Top Nutrition Myths That Drive Me CRAZY
There is so much nonsense nutrition advice in the fitness industry. It drives me crazy when “professionals” jump outside of their scope of practice and try and give recommendations regarding nutrition. Guys stop getting your nutrition advice from your next-door neighbor, Instagram influencers that do not have a nutrition-related education, doctors who have no experience when it comes to giving diet advice, and magazines. Before you start listening to everything on social media and in the news, I want you to ask yourself “is the person I am getting my information from a credible resource.” If not, then do not waste your time and mental energy, instead seek out a professional that will give you real nutrition science information.
Today I am going to discuss some of the top nutrition myths that drive me CRAZY.
Myth one: The 1200 calories diet…. First, I want to know where this even came from!? According to NIH, this is the caloric recommendation for 2–to 8-year-old children. If you are an adult eating a 1200 calorie diet you are damaging and slowing your metabolism.
Myth two: Intermittent fasting is the magic sauce to lose weight…. This diet approach is going intervals throughout the day where you fast. Typically, someone will fast for 16 hours and eat in an 8-hour window. One example would be only eating 10a-6pm. The thing is if you think about it, we all fast. When you are sleeping you are not eating. You break that fast with BREAKFAST. The reason why it works for some people is that they are limiting the time frame that they consume calories. When it comes to weight loss, it is not about what time you are eating, it’s about how many calories you are eating.
Myth three: You should not eat carbs on rest days…. First, did you know that broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, squash, zucchini, asparagus, all have carbs in them!? So do sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, brown rice, and quinoa. Second, carbs are not the enemy and you need them on rest days. Why? When you rest your body, it starts to recover. To recover the body must need proper macronutrient breakdown. One macro being carbs. Carbs on rest days will replenish glycogen stores helping you to recover quicker and prep for the next workout.
So, guys, the next time Instagram wants to fill your head with lies, delete, unfollow, and do the research from credible sources. Your body wants whole foods in proper amounts. Your body is happiest when you give it the nutrients and love that it deserves. Instead of believing these nutrition myths and giving them a try for a few weeks, how about you do the hard work. Eat three balanced meals a day, eat minimally processed foods, walk 7-10k steps a day, and sleep 7-9 hours every night.
Looking to dial in your nutrition in a sustainable way? Head over to contact form on my website and together we can find the best diet that fits with your lifestyle and goals!