Let’s talk about body image…
Let’s talk about body image. I want you to go in front of your mirror and tell yourself at least 3 things that you like about your body……. How long did that take you? If you have a poor relationship with your body, then I can guess that you are still in front of the mirror trying to figure out what you do like about your body. Or maybe you lost focus and analyzed all your flaws instead.
I was this girl. I spent hours in front of the mirror beating myself up over every imperfection I saw. Too short, big thighs, cellulite on my butt, flat hair, bolder shoulders… I could name a million and one things I disliked my body, but I could not even name one thing that I loved. I remember being 5 years old crying to my mom because I thought my strong legs were too big. Yes, you heard that FIVE YEARS OLD. It took me 19 years to finally look in the mirror and compliment myself. I did not just wake up one day after a therapy session and boom I was happy with my body. I didn’t lose weight and create the “perfect body” and bam now I am happy. Because let’s face the hard truth no matter how much or how little your weight is, it will never be enough!
Take my story for an example. I was 13 years old when I was first diagnosed with an eating disorder. I thought that if I got to this magic weight, I would be happy. Well, guess what? I got 25 lbs. lighter than that magic number and I still was not happy, in fact, I was depressed, anxious, and dying on both the inside and outside.
So how did I start to see my imperfections as beauty? I did the hard work. I went to years and years and years of therapy. Seriously I have been in therapy for 12 years digging up the dirty mess inside of me. Notice I said INSIDE. Guys you must work on the inside for the outside to shine. You must give yourself love, grace, and respect. We are humans. Not one person on earth is perfect, even if Instagram says they are. We are ALL suffering in our own ways. That girl with the “perfect body” on Instagram, what if she goes to extreme measures to look like that? What if she is in an abusive relationship where looks are the sole purpose of their relationship? What if her parents told her that she was overweight all her life, so to earn love she feels as if she needs to look a certain way? You never know what someone is going through just by looking at their pictures.
It is time we stop judging by appearance. It is time we make conversation, get to know our peers, and connect with people on a deeper level despite their appearance. We need to stand up and teach the next generation to love their bodies for what they can do and not for what they look like. We need to teach the young girls to fuel to get stronger, not smaller. It starts with us. We are the role models and how we talk to ourselves in the mirror will directly impact the younger generation.
So how do we change our relationship with our body? Well, first I would strongly encourage you to seek out help from a licensed therapist and surround yourself with positive and uplifting people. Next, I would ask you to unfollow anyone on social media that makes you feel bad about yourself. Then practice these 3 tools EVERY single day. They will feel silly, they will not work right away, but just keep practicing. Fake it until you make it!
1. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are not them! You are unique and you do not compare to anyone on this earth.
2. Express gratitude to your body. You are alive and breathing. Thank your feet and legs for supporting you and thank your hands for helping you connect with others. If you can’t find something positive to say about your body yet, thank your body for simply keeping you alive.
3. Eat and exercise from intuition. Forget the STRICT diet and exercise plan and tune into your body. Ask your body what it needs. Does it feel good? Yes, get a killer workout in. Are you tired and beat up? Well, rest that day! Is your body sluggish, are you hungry and moody? Well, eat a balanced meal. Did you have a hard day? Eat the serving of ice cream! Out with friends? Have a glass of wine. The body will tell you what it needs, we just must be smart enough to listen.
Do you or someone else in your life struggle with relationships with food and exercise? Are you sick and tired of wasting your life away being unhappy with your body!? I want to help you create the life that you deserve!
Email maryteunisnutrition@gmail.com or contact me through my website.
It is okay to both love your body and want to work on yourself too. You only have one body. It is time to embrace that beautiful gift!